Contents page
1 A quick historical recap
2 Introduction to hypergeometric series
2.1 Definition
2.2 A few properties and
simple examples
3 The function Psi : Basis of formulae of kind Machin or BBP
3.1 Definiton
3.2 Differential equations
4 Formula of type Machin
5 BBP formulae: The technic
: The polylogarithms
5.1.1 Definition
5.1.2 Remarquable values
5.1.3 Formula of duplication
5.1.4 Euler's and Landen's
formulae for the dilogarithm
5.1.5 Landen's formula for
the trilogarithm
5.1.6 Particular values
5.1.7 A few classicals
5.2 Links between
integrals, BBP formulae and polylogarithm
5.2.1 Notations
5.3 Integrals and BBP
5.3.1 Integrals equivalent
to BBP series
5.3.2 More general
integrals and BBP formulae
5.3.3 Calculation of
5.4 Function and
5.5 Interest in BBP formulae
6 BBP formulae in base 2 : , , in
6.1 The considered integrals
6.2 The method
6.3 Formulae for , ,
6.3.1 Application to BBP
formulae for
6.3.2 BBP formulae for and
6.4 Cases of polylogarithms
of order : Formulae of order 2
6.4.1 The classicals
expressions : and
6.4.2 Calculation of and
6.4.3 Calculion of relation between
6.4.4 Applications of the
determanition of BBP formulae
6.4.5 A few composite
6.5 Cases of polylogarithms
of order 3
6.5.1 Calculation of
6.5.2 Calculation of
6.5.3 Relationship bewteen
and value of
6.5.4 Calculation of
6.5.5 Application to the
determinaion of BBP formulae
6.6 Cases of polylogarithms
of order 4
6.6.1 The relationship
6.6.2 Application to the
determination of BBP formulae
6.6.3 Formulae for and
6.7 Case of polylogarithm
of order 5
6.7.1 The relationship
6.7.2 Application to the
determination of BBP formulae
6.7.3 Formulae for and
6.7.4 Simplifications of
those formulae
7 fixed integres, , : BBP in base 3
7.1 Formulae for
7.2 Formulae of order 2 :
Integrals with
7.3 Formulae of order 3 :
Integrals with ln
8 And the other bases then
? ?
9 Polygamma and Clausen
9.1 The polygamma function
9.2 The function digamma
9.3 Polygamma of order
9.3.1 Links between the
integrals and the BBP formulae
9.3.2 A graphical approach
9.3.3 Analytical
9.4 Combinations by
9.4.1 Clausen's functions
9.4.2 Kölbig's
10 Introduction to factorials and combinations
10.1 A first example
10.2 Umbral calculus
11 Central binomial series
11.1 Inversion of
11.2 Useful developpments
11.3 First direct
11.4 Formulae of greater
11.4.1 A first formulae
with demo
11.4.2 Calculation of a
derivation of
11.4.3 Uses of
11.4.4 Uses of
11.4.5 Other formulae
12 Other binomial coefficients
12.1 Primitive formulae
12.2 Polynomials
factorial formulae
12.3 So, what does all
this mean ?
12.4 Proofs
12.5 Fast
combinations: BBP factorial formulae
12.6 So, what does all
this mean ?
12.7 Typical proof
12.7.1 The method
12.7.2 Application :
The proof of the first formula
12.7.3 Proof of the
formulae in
12.7.4 Prediction of
12.8 Product of
13 Harmonics series
13.1 Proximity of
harmonic series and of polylogarithms
13.2 Study of and of
13.2.1 Definitons,
remarquable links
13.2.2 Calculation of
certain functions
13.3 Applications of
calculation of certain series
13.3.1 With
13.3.2 With
13.3.3 With
13.3.4 With
13.3.5 With
13.3.6 With
13.3.7 With
13.4 Generalisations
13.4.1 Euler's sum
13.4.2 A formula
combining Harmonic and combination
13.4.3 An other formula
13.4.4 Harmonics of
14 Series of greater factorial: Ramanujan, Borwein,
14.1 Squared central
binomial coefficients: Elliptical formulae
14.2 Cubic central
binomial ceofficients: Ramanujan's Identity
15 Other hypergeometric formulae concerning
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