11 Centrals binomial seriesAn interesting particular case and yet not to har on factorial series involve the introduction to the central binomials coefficients in the series. After a few notes on those series in the first section we will plunge into serious stuff with several formulae and their proofs!
11.1 Combinations inversionA funny thing is that we can obtain some series giving the same result but in one case with the central binomial coefficient on the numerator, while in the other on the denominator! This also confirrm why we obtain the same kind of results with a serie with a combination and one without: Let us take the example of the
We know from Euler (see Euler's page) that the arctan function can also be expressed as
Finaly, the coupled relation
A relation between the different series and the central binomial coefficients is hence the arctan : Suprising, no ? ! ! By deriving the serie from the center along And so starting from this serie, we can find the combination expression of serie of type Machin under the form of combination of binomial formulae! We will see in the following section the 11.3factorials. We can anyway signal for the arctan function The proof is obvious by decomposing the serie in even and odds... Furthermore, we also have, still playing of the developpement of power series
Finally, we have according to the expression 13 and 11
which is ammusing as well !
11.2 Useful developmentWe remember the following development of power series which will be useful for the calculation of certain series and integrals. :
which, by composing by furthermore, Euler's developpement given under
it's that we can hence proof by the method of differential equations.
11.3 First direct formulaeThe four last developpement of the previous
section give then classical series, with By using
we can obtain, for example
With the developpement of
and obtain pther series such as By differentiating again
etc... On the same model, Gery Huvent offered what seems an open conjecture, having not read stuff on this subject...
11.4 Formulae of greater orderThe study of series of the kind
and so on to go back for example up to but of course, those functions don't let themself be easily integrated! And we often need to have a lot of patient and a few trick up our sleeves to see the end of it. However, the results are there. We know Euler's formula
who I give a proof to the paragraph dedicated to 10.2calculus and the method of convergence acceleration by the finite difference, invented by Euler himself! The greater order, it's a formula such as
but also
and the formula by Comtet dating of 1974 whose proof was tedious...
Obviously, this intrigued mathematicians to
know wether a similar formula existed for order 5! Unfortunatly, we now
know that this serie does not give the wanted result since if we recall
But this doesn't stop the higher order from being interesting.
11.4.1 A first formula with proofI noticed in august 2001 that
which is transformed into hypergeometric form into ![]() It must be one of the simplest factorial
formula and the presence of the
because the development into power serie of We hence let more generaly the following integrals :
Note that we can clearly brings this integral
back to 9.4.1in
the sense where ![]() for The result that interest us is ![]() which is equivalent to the serie through an
immediate change of variable Raymon Manzoni, then Gery Huvent , contributed to give a proof for this formula, which I will present to you now, and also including a proof of the formula by Comtet done by Gery Huvent . Proof. Consider,
for integers this function is holomorph on
The problem hence goes back to the calculation
of a primitive !
Hence ![]()
We therefore obtain a second expression of
The primitive of
We can refind that
from which
which allows us to find Euler's formula for the dilogarithm hence
Note 22 We can simplify this equality with Landen's formulae and find the classical result
result that we obtain with the developpement into
Fourier's series of in particular
This equality then gives with
This equality allows several applications : The equality
Then with
obtained by integration by parts and changing
which gives
that we developpe like in the previous example, we find With
which gives
By developping the square under the integral and
by taking into account the previous calculated values of
With By combining with 433, we have
_ Now the trick is to use this approach to developpe a particular method and as often we need to go through equivalent integrals, who we just saw a first example. All of this on an idea by Gery Huvent :
Calculation of a primitive of
Proof. We differentiate the right hand side, Then in Application :Intégrales of
kind Dirichlet Consider the equality (446) with We then obtain the following equalities With which gives For the folks mathematics We then easily show that
The minimum of the trinomial
Uses of
Uses of the primitive for
Hence for
Starting from
The change of variable As an application, we obtain for As another application, Uses of the primitive of
Starting from
the change of variabl
As an application, we have with With
Uses of
Uses for the primitive of
Starting from
by change of variables, we obtain
With It's with this last equality that Apery proved
the irrationality of Uses of the primitive of which with then with By combining those last two equalities with the one found by Apéry (474), we get
11.4.5 Other formulaeStarting from the result
Nice formula, putting in evidence the arrival of a constant linked to elliptical integral of first sort, not bad...
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