The Pi-Day !!
The Pi-Day is the national day of Pi ! Each year, on march, 14th (3/14, ha ha ha), fans of Pi meet to promote and celebrate our favorite constant. Here are a few pictures, videos and amazing events per year. Then a few pictures of my own modest Pi-Days, (click on pictures to get a bigger one). If you have contributions or links, do not hesitate, please contact me ! I'm just starting to compile stuff and filling this page, many other anecdotes/pictures/videos to come in the next few months !
About the Pi Day
The first Pi Day celebration was held at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988, with staff and public marching around one of its circular spaces, then consuming fruit pies (Wikipedia). The museum has since added pizza to its Pi Day menu. The founder of Pi Day was Larry Shaw (on the right), a now-retired physicist at the Exploratorium who still helps out with the celebrations.
Theoretically, the celebration exact time is 3/14 at 1:59pm (the so-called Pi Minute !) but many other interpretations have been proposed and the crazier, the funnier regarding this event anyway ! For instance, some people have proposed to celebrate the Pi Day on July 22 because written in the European date format as 22/7, it is an approximate value of pi closer than 3/14 !
The american congress even passed a non-binding resolution on march 12th, 2009(HRES244) recognizing the march 14th as the national day of Pi ! Yes, absolutely, see the proof here.
Finally, me and my website love the Pi Day, especially when I see the audience of Pi314.net on march 14th :-) (in 2018)
In the world !
Enigma on Pi in french (pdf) and exercise in english (pdf) by the students of 3eme, 2nde and 1ere (9-11th grades in the US) from the "collège et lycée d'Oloron" and their math teacher C. Sjollema. Those docs have been created in order to send them to the 10th grade students of the french high school in Bogota |
La journée de Pi - Conference at the MuCEM in Marseille (France) ! That was on March 14th, 2015 at 9am and that was an unforgettable day full of maths, games, fun, poems, music, magic and so on ! Also a talk by Simon Plouffe !! This is their website. |
Tatoo-Pi check by Emilie and friends! |
Pi in the eyes (of my little girl Roxane) |
"A big slice of Pi": a huuuuuuge poem by the Pi-enthusiast Marc Umile (file .doc) |
A Big Slice of Pi |
those "Pies" smell yummy, ! (galery of djwtwo) |
I hate Pi day ! (spikedmaths) |
PiDay at Princeton: the Geek Freak Week-End, I love it:-) |

dans l'ordre
Caramel-bottomed Guiness Chocolate Pi ! |
Maple Pecan Pi |
Mango-Peach Pi |
Apple Pi |
Lemon and orange layered cheesecake Pi |
Cherry Pi |
A half-marathon as loops in both directions and nicely dubbed River Rotation, beautiful idea ! |
A computation contest between... an old calculator and an Apple II ! And 41 hours to compute 1000 digits of Pi with the Apple computer, tough time for it ! |
On Google absolutely ! |
On Wikipedia (the image might be older but who cares !) |
Zandar Blog
(click on the picture to see it bigger) |
San Francisco Exploratorium - The necklace in Pi digits, what a great idea ! |
Song (Video, English): Oh number Pi ! |
The friends of number Pi (german)
Each year, this nice association organizes events around Pi with good mood !) |
(click on the picture to see it bigger) |
Classic but fun |
Freaking News - Pi Day Picture Contest - Each year, a contest of photo(shop) on Pi for the PiDay, great !!! |
Pi Day on Second life - Arf, not very crowded... |
Mathematicians Pictures - Official PiDay Button |
Song (Video, English): Pi Day Song ! |
Song (Video, English): Pi Day Song ! |
The friends of number Pi (german). A painting of Michael Franke |
American Pie, or how to learn digits while singing |
This is huge... it's bad, it's out of tune, it's saturated, it's unbearable !! ;-) |
Qwantz - Dinosaur Comics
(click on the picture to see it bigger). It moderately funny according to me... |
Pineamelon - Manga |
Pi Day in a switzserland class room (Bez Endingen), lots of activities around Pi |
At home !

And from a friend on the Internet (Yves de Lombaerde), a crepe/pancake (circular of course !) dated from the Pi-day !
2004 in my lab
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