Programs on Pi
note: this page has not been updated in years so that it is likely that many links are broken. I promise that I'm going to work on it soon. If you know some links towards some programs, do not hesitate to contact me.
All good respectable sites on Pi must have a
page on computer programs! Thanks or due to the use of computers, many
good algorithm appeared since the one of Salamin in 1976. They were
helped with the utilisation of multiplication method that are always
faster, O(n.log(n)), and derivation of the FTT.
The progress in the calculation of decimals was also momentus. But
Kanada and the Chudnovsky are not, as we tend to think, the only one
capable of writting efficients programs. It has even became an
international sport. So Carey Bloodworth and Xavier Gourdon to name but
a few that regularly surpass each other and offer two software that are
even more performant than the one used by Kanada!
We now find programs for all platforms, and that the goal of this page.
From 100 decimals to to
several hundreds of millions, I hope you will find your happiness!
Note that this page is only at it's beginning of its creation and that
other web address and programs will come to enrich this page soon.
The princes of calculations
First of all, two programs shine from
the rest. The first is the fastest and the second is nearly as good but
more importantly available on all platforms!
PiFast 3.2 by Xavier Gourdon
Xavier Gourdon's Page - Download
This perpetual evolving program was developed by a french. The program
is based on Chudnovsky's series (convergence 14n) and used of course on the fast
Fourier transformation for the multiplications. The satisfication
is assured by Ramanujan's formula (convergence 8n). This program holds the record
of numbers of decimals calculated by a particular on a PC, here is the
detailed table for the version 3.1:
Number of decimals
Machine (procesor,
Version of PiFast
Shigeru Kondo
246 hours
13 Nov 1999
PIII 550 (1024 Mo)
Shigeru Kondo
245 hours
19 Oct 1999
PIII 550 (1024 Mo)
Shigeru Kondo
157 hours
13 Sep 1999
PIII 550 (1024 Mo)
Shigeru Kondo
119 hours
29 Aoû 1999
PIII 550 (1024 Mo)
Shigeru Kondo
63.5 hours
13 Aoû 1999
PIII 550 (1024 Mo)
Stuart Lyster
32 h 40 min
13 Aoû 1999
PII 300 (128 Mo)
Shigeru Kondo
2 h 45 min.
4 Aoû 1999
PIII 550 (1024 Mo)
Stuart Lyster
8 h 18 min
30 Jul 1999
PII 300 (128 Mo)
Stuart Lyster
19 h 12 min
21 Jul 1999
PII 300 (128 Mo)
according to the table by Xavier Gourdon
I strongly urge you to go and check Xavier Gourdon's page, he
explains quite a few things on fast Fourier transformation and on
the computer's calculations of the most famous constants....
PiAGM by Carey Bloodworth
Bloodworth's page - The downloading of the program are regrouped by
platforms below....
Carey is a programer veteran in the calculation of Pi since his first
version of his famous software PiAGM dates from 1996. At the time, his
ambition was to calculate 1 million decimals with a 386 procesor in one
day, memorable event!
Since, the program developed well but stayed centered on Salamin's algorithm, which justify the average
geometric mean (AGM). Of course, we find again the use of FFT for the
multiplication of long integers. But the originality of PiAGM consist
to offer the calculation with a packet of varients for the FFT. Your
choice! You will find their description on the nearly-official page
for the program.
the software is slightly slower than PiFast, but an other advantage, is
that it is available on nearly all platforms on sale and available with
its source code. The archives are most of the time in tar/gzip unless
mention otherwised.
The OS junks
To please all possible system, here is
most of the best programs for the various platform. The download links
brings you, most of the time, to the program on the authors page, since
I don;t have enough space on my account.
But if a link doesn't work, ask me to send you the program, I still
have them on my hard drive. Don't hesitate!
Ah, one more thing, I choosed to differentiate between specific
platform related software and source code which can be compiled on any
machine. So that you don't end up like me with the joy of down;oading
something and finding that it does not work due to having no compilers!
Praise to my favourite computer...
Here are only the programs with a Mac exe. You are then free to
complile the C sources written further down, but they are not platform
specific programs anymore.
PiAGM - Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
PiPrimes - Isabel Georges
Author's address
- Download
A great surprise, this program. Too bad, that it doesn't go past 29000 decimals.... It uses the
MPFUN package, by David Bailey, which understand the routines of
precise arithmetic calculations.
CalculatePi version 1.5
- Carey Bloodworth
page - Download
Came out the 2/17/95, the program is optimised PowerPC and uses the
Pi/4 = 6 tan-1(1/8) + 2 tan-1(1/57) + tan-1(1/239)
. But not FFT for such.... 20000 decimals in 30 seconds, but a
calculation time of n2
Buffon Needle - George
Page - Download
As the name implies, this program estimate Pi using the needles method
by Buffon, Of course, do not hope for many decimals, but it's a nice
computing adaptation.
Pi and e - J.F. Pautex
Page - Download
Not an easy to use interface, but a program that works and also allows
the calculation of e.
Performances - G3 266MHz
128Mo RAM MacOS 8.6
10000 decimals |
<2 secondes |
PiPrimes |
5 secondes |
CalculatePi |
8 secondes |
Pi and e |
56 secondes |
Buffon Needle |
! |
MacOS X Server
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
The page by Stuart Lyster and Dara
are without doubts the best site in English dedicated to programs
calculating Pi. To establish a comparison of the programs, no need to
think too hard, better check out the manificant tables they made. I can
only strongly suggest that you go and see their page.
Otherwise, here is a big list of programs followed by a small glimpse
of their performance, make your choice! Except for superpi, it seems to
me that all the other programs come with their source code, more often
than not in C/C++.
Pifast 3.2 - Xavier Gourdon
Author's Page -
See above!
Pi_css4.exe - Takuya
Page - Download
Uses FFT and AGM. The base of the FFT uses is 8,4,2
Piologie_pi.zip -
Sebastian Wedeniwski
Author's mail - Download
Based on piologie, a library of arithmetic functions
PI4.EXE - Giovanni Ciampa
Author's mail
- Download
Uses the code written by Takuya Ooura from Tokyo university. Pi4.exe
uses a FFT of base 4, 2
GioPi - Giovanni Ciampa
Author's mail
- Download
A program that seems different from the one mentioned in the table. It
is based on the Arctan formula and comes from the world of Atari in
which he got a few rewards.
- Alan Pittman
Author's mail - Download
Program XMPPI using the FFT and comes with a source c and its exe in
Aptest.exe - Mikko
Author's Page
- Download
Part of the set of programs of APFLOAT calculation on the Tommila's
Superpi.exe - Yasumasa
Author's Page - Download
Its a variance of the famous program that holds the record of
calculation decimals i.e. 206,158,430,000 decimals in
Sept 1999. But this programs only goes up to 33.5 million decimals
Program - Terj
This program is based on the Arctan serie and has the particularity to
have been written in assembly language, and the code comes with the exe
in DOS.
Pi Bellard - Fabrice
Author's Page
- Download
Here is our national hacker working for this good exe using an Arctan
serie and FFT. Great quantity of decimals and a working time
Pi dpmi - Dario Alpern
Page - Download
A program written in assembler 386 which calculate at the same time e
and ln(2). For Pi, it uses an arctan formula.
Pi dpm - Jan Kraak
Author's mail - Download
A variante of the previous program but this time using Machin formula.
This doesn't remove any practicality of the program
- Martin Mamo
Page - Download
A well known but slow program. It is the result of another exe on Sun
and is based on the Arctan formula by Klingstierna.
PiW - Harry Smith
Author's mail - Download
A very slow program but well documented with it's source code. It uses
an Arctan formula.
Exactly 1 million of decimals with this program you will get, Yoda said.
While waiting that I do my own trials, here are those made by Stuart
Lyster and Dara. It also contains the programs compiled from the source
code available lower down.
On a Pentium II 300MHz / 128Mo RAM
On 333 MHZ Pentium II under WindowsNT 4.0 for 131 072 decimals of Pi
(certain programs are source, available below, I remind you...)
Linux (pour Intel)
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Pixlinux - Jorg Arndt
Author's mail - Download
Based mainly on the algorithm of quadratic convergence by the Borwein,
this program is relatively slow put more importantly configurable since
there are no less than ten formulae offered. No source unfortunatly....
LinuxPi - Jorg Arndt
Author's mail -
This program is for WinPi on Linux, so it has all the advantage and
disadvanteges mostly quite slow.
Linux (for Power PC)
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Linux (for Motorola 68k (old
Macs !))
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Linux (for alpha and
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Linux (for
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
HP UX, processeurs>64bit
PA-RISC and HP UX 10
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
IRIX, processeurs>64bit MIPS
and IRIX 6.X
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Solaris 2.x
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Procesors>Pentium with
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Procesors PowerPC with BeOSR4
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Pi - Juergen Bohl
mail - Download
For Workbench >2.0.4 and
procesors> 68020
PiCalc - Steffen Thorsen
Page - Download
Script CGI
PiTrainer - Magnus Bodin
Author's Page - Download
A little program that test your knowledge of its decimals
Sources C
Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Author's Page - Download
- Explications
A quick program that uses a serie, the one by Gosper. Easy to
understand it can goes up to 6 millions of decimals, but require a
calculation time of n2.
Pidecimal.c - Fabrice Bellard
Author's Page
- Download
Calculates the n-th digit of Pi without knowing the previous one by our
favourite polytechnicien!
Pi.c - Roy Williams
Author's mail - Download
Uses the Machin formula and is well documented.
Pi3.c -
Simon Plouffe
Author's mail - Download
Page de Rhoads
Page - pibis.c
- pibis3.c
Pi8.c - Carey Bloodworth
Author's Page
- Download
Program using arctan formulae.
Pi_c50.c - Jason Papadopoulos
Author's Page - Download
Program using the formula by Klingenstierna (1730, see page of Machin)
Piclassic.c - Xavier Gourdon
Author's Page -
Simple program using Machin formula
PiHex -
Colin Percival
Page - Download
Calculates the hexadecimal digits Pi.
Pi20 - Kurt Van Branden
Author's mail - Download
Based on the serie by Ramanujan.
Pi9 - Kurt Van Branden
Author's mail - Download
Same Battle! Based on Ramanujan series.
Just a little bit slower.
Pi3 - Kurt Van Branden
Author's mail - Download
Another one! Based on Machin series. And even
Pi4 - Kurt Van Branden
Author's mail - Download
One last one? Based on the MAG. And still slower.
Pi10 - Kurt Van Branden
Author's mail - Download
Well no, yet one more... Based on the algorithm of the quadratic
convergence of the Borwein. And as always
Spigot Algorithm
Pi2bisc -
Stan Rabinowitz
Original page - Download
Programmes (the shortest programs possible)
Tinypi - ?
Tiny - Dik T Winter
The famous program by Dik T Winter of cwi institute of
Holland. Uses the same series of Euler as the spigot algorithm. 158
character for 2400 decimals!
Tiny2 -
Sebastian Wedeniws
Even better, 142 characters, but I have not test the number of decimals
that the programs get
Source Turbo-Pascal
CalcPi (zip)
Classes Java
Buf1.class - George Reese
page - Download
A simlation of throwing needles in the famous needle problem by Buffon.
Carlo.class - K. Kossert
page - Download
A simulation of throwing darts this time to estimate Pi using the
Monté-Carlo method.
PiGenerator - Gus
page - Download
A simple generator, but quite useful.
Ramanujan.class - Gary
page - Download
A nice interface, and with nice rapidity, but a bit limited
Machin.class - John Bohr
page - Download
A linear display, and a practicle inteface for this program based on Machin formula.
Jean-Christophe BENOIST
Program for HP-49 base on the spigot algorithm of Gorsper. Very small
(256 octave), it gives 1000 decimals in 10 minutes. We enter the number
of decimal required and start the program.
library - FFT
FFT - Takuya
Page - Download
It's a "package" to calculate with FFT, cos and sin of discrete
sequence of numbers with a dimension and length 2^N.
Website Page - Download page
A site that specialise in FFT, is fftw.org, go and check it out. The
majority of platforms have their own compiled version.
HFloat - Jorg Arndt
Page - Author's mail
Passionate to computer calculation, you will find on this page a
mathematical library on the calcualtion of long reals.
APFloat - Mikko Tommila
Page - Author's mail
Libraries of fast multiplication, by the author of a program that
calculates the decimals of Pi
CLN - Bruno
Page - Author's mail
Libraries of fast multiplication also, by a french computer scientist,
this time.
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