Benoit Cloitre
Calculation of the decimals of Pi: Some new
with old stuff!
January 4, 2009
To Sum up
By exploiting a simple geometric idea, Benoit, still as prolific,
improves the efficients of Archimedes'
method for the calculation of the decimals of . This approach mixes algorithms and series and allows in
theory to obtain a convergence speed of as fast as we want it. The
convergence stays for the moment linear.
1 The
A modern version of Achimedes algorithms
consiste of defining the algorithm
(1) |
which allows to calculate given that
(2) |
The efficience of this method is not bad since
the convergence is in . It is not extraordinary either and numerous other
methods (algorithms, series...) also converges linearly, equlas it or
are an improvement (without taking into account the algorithms by
Salamin-Brent or the other Borwein's brother of course). We offer still
to start from this old idea and to calculate the decimals of with a speed of how great we choose it to be (according
to a pre calculation). Hence, for all values of we have the following formula which stay valid:
(3) |
2 Proof
We ask you to exactly calculate the strippy
area below, which is a sector of a unit square.
It is easy to see that this surface is worth
(4) |
By choosing , we have for all the cercle divided into equal sectors and :
(5) |
because we find again the area of the unit
circle. On the other hand, we have the well known series
(6) |
i.e. and and hence . The equation 5
hence becomes
(7) |
This gives a family of series converging as
fast as we want towards and hence improves Archimedes' algorithm .
3 Trials
For , if we calculate , then
the serie
(8) |
gives however good decimals of at each term.
Other ideas by Benoît Cloitre
and in a mirror
and in a mirror
A formula
for Christmas for
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