Jacques Bernoulli
(1654 - 1705)
Definition to retain !
The polynomials of Bernoulli B N Are defined by recurrence according to :

The numbers (Ber N ) are then defined by Ber N =B N (0)
Other equivalent definition :
The numbers of Bernoulli Ber K are defined as coefficients in the complete series
For more information about numerators and denominators of Bernoulli numbers, cf. A027641
and A027642
or about the Ber2n
and A002445.
Slices of life
First of the lineage of the famous Swiss mathematicians of the same name, Jacques (Jakob) is native of Antwerp but exiles himself under the dictatorship of duke of Albe in Flanders. Abandoning theology important to its father, he turns to mathematics and physics. He will take from the interest for the astronomy his motto " Invito patre sidera verso " (I study stars against the will of my father). Become professor in the university of Basel, he is interested in the infinitesimal calculation that he puts in relation with curves (Lemniscate...) and that allows him to introduce the polar coordinates. He also studies probability and numeric series, that drives him to define the famous numbers of Bernoulli described higher.
* Photos of Johann (1667-1748) and Daniel (1700-1782) Bernoulli
Several formulae of analysis appear these numbers of Bernoulli, notably in numerous limits of series as Euler. showed. The contribution in the research on is so fundamental even though it remains indirect. Thanks to him we have the demonstration of the convergence of whose limit and those of the series of this type will be found by Euler.
The first numbers of Bernoulli are :
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